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26 June 2020
The Sustainable Innovation Fund: SBRI Marketplace


This website is a virtual Marketplace to discuss project opportunities and facilitate introductions between organisations. Lead applicants must work throughout their project with at least one potential future customer who might use your solution when it comes to market. Contracts will be awarded only to individual lead organisations but you can sub-contract specific tasks if they benefit the overall project.

The website is hosted by a team of specialists from Innovate UK, Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN).

Innovate UK

Innovate UK is the UK’s innovation agency and part of UK Research and Innovation.

Enterprise Europe Network

Enterprise Europe Network is the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions.

Knowledge Transfer Network

The Knowledge Transfer Network'innovation experts can help you or your business with funding, expertise and connecting with innovators from other sectors.

Closed since 5 August 2020
Organised by
United Kingdom 710
Ireland 4
India 2
Cambodia 1
Nigeria 1
Chile 1
Italy 1
Estonia 1
Zimbabwe 1
Total 722
Company (SME) 260
Start-up (Pre-Seed) 114
Start-up (Early Stage) 82
Start-up (Seed) 78
Start-up (Growth) 48
University 36
Company (Industry) 31
Other 26
R&D Institution 25
Authority/Government 15
Non-governmental organisation (NGO) 4
Association/Agency 3
Total 722
Profile views
Before event 12774
After event 1507
Total 14281